Strategic Partnerships

KISTERS steady growth and presence in many parts of the world make it an attractive member of strategic partnerships. Conversely, the KISTERS Group values working with reliable, innovative and complementary partners. For example:

ESRI Inc. from Redlands, USA, is a long-term strategic partner in the development of integrated solutions to combine space- and time-related data. It is becoming increasingly important to know which parameters have changed as well as when and where. This makes it possible to follow extreme events in space and time, which in turn increases the response time of those potentially affected – time that is needed to take protective measures and get to safety.

iTEG (Austria) develops sophisticated reporting solutions that provide a new Web-based dimension for reporting measurement and time series data. The WISKI iRED (interactive REport Designer) developed by iTEG allows users to design report forms interactively on their screens. Tables, graphs, text elements and images can be integrated to create high quality reports suitable for presentations. This makes reports more convincing and attractive.

Mobile Water Management is a start-up company established by Delft University (Netherlands), which develops apps for the mobile data collection of water levels and flow. These solutions turn ubiquitous smartphones (Android, iOS) into fully-fledged data acquisition devices. Photos of tide gauges or plumb bobs are remotely evaluated and the readings are transferred directly to the WISKI database. This closes gaps in monitoring networks without major technical workloads or investments.